Why Does Oat Milk Separate in Coffee

Why Does Oat Milk Separate in Coffee

Oat milk is slowly becoming a favorite amongst vegan and lactose intolerance coffee drinkers. It's plant-based and a more sustainable option than almond milk - which is a more expensive type of plant-based milk. Like myself, a lot of people likes to drink oat milk. It...

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What is Vienna Roast Coffee

What is Vienna Roast Coffee

When it comes to choosing your coffee beans, there are two main types to choose from, French roast and Vienna roast. Both have unique flavor that will give you different experience. So, how do you choose your beans? It really depends on your personal taste. If you...

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How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Bleach

How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Bleach

Coffee makers are a must in most kitchens, this is one evidence that people love coffee any time of the day. But thinking about coffee makers, can you remember when was the last time you cleaned your coffee machine? It's probably one of the appliances in our home that...

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