How to Infuse Coffee Beans with CBD

by | Coffee Info

How to Infuse Coffee Beans with CBD? CBD or Cannabidiol has been covered by mainstream media many times. You can purchase CBD infused sodas, candies, cereals, matcha, water, honey, and smoothies. But most people who enjoy CBD are looking for ways to avoid the drowsiness, and one way to do this is to take it with caffeine. You still have all the effects and goodness it brings without being sleepy.

There have been several studies of how caffeine interacts with CBD. This combination can take you through your day and alleviate any of your pain or anxiety. And while you can easily purchase CBD infused coffee, you can also make your own. Read on to know more about CBD and how to make your own CBD infused coffee beans.

What is CBD

Cannabidiol or CBD in short is the scientific name for the natural ingredient found in the cannabis plant Sativa. It was first approved as a drug in 2018 by the FDA under the name Epidiolex – a treatment for seizures in children with severe epilepsy. Aside from that, it is being used by hundreds of people around the world for pain relief and general wellness.

Research has found that there are numerous molecular targets within our body that can be impacted by CBD and until now, there is no exact way to tell how CBD affects the human body. It is indeed a fascinating drug with tons of potential benefits that requires more study and research.

Infusing Coffee Beans with CBD

Start With CBD Oil

Before you can start infusing your coffee beans with CBD, you have to understand what CBD do you need for this process. Look for a high quality CDB oil that will benefit you the most or create your own.

To make your own oil, grind your cannabis and place it in an oven pan and bake it at 425 F for an hour. After this, mix it up with a cup of oil. You can use olive oil or coconut oil. Keep in mind to avoid using strong flavored oils and use neutral oils. After mixing with oil, simmer it in low heat for 2 to 3 hours and then strain it to get rid of the stems and leaves. If you’re planning to store them and use them for later, be sure to keep in them in a cool and clean place. The oil can be used up to two months.

Infusing Coffee Beans with CBD oil

After getting your oil, choose your coffee beans next, and you can now infuse them. For some people, putting a few drops of CBD oil in their coffee is the easiest way to combine caffeine and CBD, however, to get a more subtle taste you need to infuse your own coffee beans.

The process of infusing is similar to how flavored coffee is made. The traditional way is to mix coffee beans with flavored oils to get the desired taste and smell. Some flavors can be complex and take several steps and some are simpler and only requires 1 step.

To infuse your coffee beans with CBD, place your beans in a jar or container and add CBD oil. The longer the beans are soaked in the oil the more it will absorb. Once you are satisfied enough, take out the beans and let them dry before grinding them.

How Much CBD Do You Use?

In average, a cup of coffee contains about 15 mg of CBD. If you are not used to CBD yet, you can start off with lower CBD content and increase as needed. A lot of people do this, some like a higher dose of CBD and some like it less so don’t be afraid in trying to find the right amount for you.

Does the Boiling Water Effect CBD?

A lot of people has this concern when it comes to their coffee, but it is actually the opposite. Heat is needed to release the CBD from the bean. So if you are going to use a cold brew, you won’t notice the CBD effects since cold water will not release the CBD.

If you prefer cold brew, it is probably best to add your CBD oil to your coffee directly.

When using hot water for your coffee, you should use it after boiling at around 195-200 degrees. This will ensure an optimal brew. French press is the recommended way to brew CBD infused coffee beans, but some people also prefer pour over. Always use a stainless filter since paper filter can trap CBD oil while you are brewing.

How Long Do the Beans Last?

The recommended shelf life of CBD infused coffee beans are six months. This is not a rule, but the flavors gets worse the longer you leave the beans. It’s just like your normal coffee, old ones does not taste as good as the fresh ones.

Infusing CBD into your coffee beans can preserve them, but it’s always recommended to make create small batches to avoid any nasty taste change.

Can CBD Be Used for Energy?

CBD is mostly used to treat pain, anxiety, seizures, muscle disorders and other conditions, but this lacks scientific research. With these cases, CBD is mostly used to relax the body, hence it is hard to associate it for energy. However, recent studies have shown that small doses of CBD can act as a wake agent. And this is the reason a lot of people use it with caffeine.

Final Thoughts

CBD has been used and legalized in many countries. It’s been used medically and recreationally, you can even buy a lot of things that are infused with it and coffee is one of them. You can enjoy CBD in your coffee in a lot of ways. You can put a few drops directly, purchase coffee that is already infused with CBD, or make your own coffee beans infused with CBD.

If you are not a regular CBD user, or if it’s your first time drinking coffee infused with CBD, do an extensive research before trying it out. Research about CBD, what is it, how it affects the human body, what are the different types, and how can you use it. Try CBD oil alone first to make sure that you are okay with the effects that it brings. And when you are familiar enough, try it with your favorite coffee.

Start with a small dose and increase as needed. Experiment with the dosage until you are comfortable in infusing it with your coffee beans. A lot of people have noticed an increase in their energy and overall well-being after consuming coffee infused with CBD, so get on it and make yourself a cup of coffee and see how your days goes!

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